ApEx Bug Oracle

“Typo” in Oracle ApEx Manage Services Page

Could a developer in Oracle please fix the “typo” in the Manage Services page in Oracle Application Express. I’ve been looking at the error for some time now and was hoping that it will be fixed on the latest ApEx version. Well, I’m looking at version 3.2 and it’s still there. I’m sick of looking at it now so can someone in Oracle please fix it.

The error can be found under Home -> Manage Services. Under the Workspace region, there’s an item that spells “Request Service Terminiation”… I think it should say “Request Service Termination”.

Request Service Terminiation

If I am wrong, I apologize. If I’m right, please fix it because I hold such high regard for Oracle and I don’t want to see them reduced to “human” status by appearing to make such human-like mistakes.

Thank you Oracle.