We don’t all possess superpowers. In fact, like me, a lot of us cannot read minds. There’s this great gadget invented which is installed on all vehicles called the signal light. The idea is if you intend to make a left or right turn, you flick this little lever near your steering wheel to the direction where you expect to turn into. This action will activate the signal light on the outside of your vehicle, on the left or right side, depending on which direction you flicked the lever. These set of actions effectively communicates where the driver intends to go, well before he/she gets there. This is necessary so that everyone else around him/her can negotiate their manoeuvres effectively, all in the effort of preventing an accident.
I want to focus the attention to a specific scenario – The dreaded roundabout. I don’t know about you but I think that there’s an unwritten rule that you have to go through a roundabout as fast as possible and signalling is optional. Throw in pedestrians and bicycle riders in the mix and the result could be catastrophic.
Every driver on the road has a responsibility. A responsibility to be up to date with their knowledge of the road rules, to obey these rules, be considerate when driving and to drive safely at all times. I think a lot of us forget how dangerous it is to be on or near the roads.
Please always remember.